

Santa Cena SÍ

La conmemoración de la muerte de nuestro Señor y...

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Access the Style Control settings from: Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → (J! 1.5) rt_clarion_j15 or (J! 2.5) rt_clarion → Settings

Simple configure the options, then save and Gantry will automatically load the modified preset to your site.

Style Setting

  • Body Style: Light - Dark; Determine the body shade/style
  • Background Style: wavy-lines-light, wavy-lines-dark, diagonal-lines-light, diagonal-lines-dark, cube-light, cube-dark , diamond-light, diamond-dark, carbon-light, carbon-dark, noise-light, noise-dark, paper-light, paper-dark, plaid-light, plaid-dark, rubber-ligh, rubber-dark, squares-light, squares-dark, textile-light, textile-dark, triangles-light, triangles-dark, elegant-light, elegant-dark, grunge-light, grunge-dark, dustnscratches-light, dustnscratches-dark, fibers-light, or fibers-dark; Set which background style set you wish to load
  • Load Transition: On - Off; Enable or disable the page loading transition animation effects
  • Web Fonts: On - Off, Google Font Directory; WebFonts allow you to use 3rd party WebFonts from providers such as Google. You must SAVE then APPLY before the new fonts will show up in the Font Family dropdown.
  • Font Settings: Select a font family from the available options and also choose a default font size
    • Font Family: Clarion, Geneva, Optima, Helvetica, Trebuchet, Lucida, Georgia, Palatino, or Various Google Fonts (dropdown)
    • Font Size: Default, Extra Large, Large, Small, Extra Small (dropdown)

Assigning a Style to a Specific Page

With Gantry, the ability to assign a certain style to an individual page has never been easier and/or more efficient. Just follow these simple steps:

  • (J! 1.5) Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_clarion_j15 → Menu Items → *Menu Item*
  • (J! 2.5) Go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_clarion → Assignments → *Menu Item*

  • (J! 1.5) Select your preset from Presets → Style Presets, configure and save.
  • (J! 2.5) Select your preset from Show Presets, configure and save.
Gantry Framework: Per Menu Item Controls

Clarion Template Features

A Professional Business Template

Clarion, the February 2012 template release, is a subtle theme, primed for business use or as a platform for extensive individual customization. Clarion continues the chain of impressive, revolutionary, yet functional RocketTheme templates. It combines incredible styling with refined and powerful code to help your website achieve its maximum potential.


  • 12 Preset Styles
    Choose one of the included preset styles by specifying it in the template manager
  • 78 Module Positions
    To get you started right, Clarion is utilized with plenty of available modules
  • K2 Compatibility Styling
    Clarion provides styled support for K2 to visually integrate the component
  • RokExtensions Styling
    There is compatibility styling for some major RocketTheme extensions in this template

Interested? Want to Use Clarion for Your Website?

Download Clarion Now

Styles Variation

Multiple Preset Styles Clarion

Modules Layout

Versatile & Flexible Layout Clarion

Module Variations

Fashion & Style the Module Clarion

Menu Options

Integrated Powerful Menu System Clarion


Make the Content Sexier Clarion

Styled Extensions

RocketTheme Extensions Styled Clarion

K2 Styled

Visually K2 Integration Clarion

Tutorials & Guides

Learn the Template Configuration Clarion

Joomla! Stuff

Styled for Regular Joomla! Stuffs Clarion

Gantry Framework Features

  • 960 Grid System
    CSS grid framework for constructing web content based on a width of 960 pixels
  • Per-menu-item Configuration
    Powerful feature in Gantry to control configuration on a per-menu-item basis
  • iPhone / Android Compatible
    iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android custom theme support
  • Grid RTL Support
    Built in RTL support which will automatically order the layout to support RTL.
RTL Layout iPhone/Android Compatible

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