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Fusion with MegaMenu

Fusion Menu is a menu theme of the RokNavMenu extension, the addon that drives all RocketTheme template menus. It is primarily a javascript enhanced CSS dropdown menu, that combines standard suckerfish type functionality with animations, transitions and other advanced effects powered by Mootools.



A static menu system that displays 1st and 2nd level items in the main horizontal menu and further children in the Sidebar.


All Menu Items can be edited from Admin → Menu → Menu NameMenu Item.

How to create Child Menu Items

Go to Admin → Menu → A MenuA Menu Item → Select a Parent Item, and it will appear as a child of it.

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Tutorials and Guides

Learn How to Install & Configure Clarion



An overview of template files and instructions for installing and activating the template.

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Logo Editing

An overview for customizing your logo with your organization or company name and logo.

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Go to Extensions → Template Manager → (J! 1.5) rt_clarion_j15 or (J! 2.5) rt_clarion. Mouseover the labels to view a description of each template parameter.

Installation Instruction

The following is a guide that covers how to set up your new Clarion template on your Joomla! site. Here you can find an overview of the files included in the Clarion release and instructions on installing and activating the template in your Joomla! install.

Note: The Bundle Template is only necessary if the Gantry Library is not installed at /components/com_gantry (J! 1.5) or /libraries/gantry (J! 2.5).

Step 1 - Installation

  • (J! 1.5) Install from Admin → Extensions → Install/Uninstall → Choose File → Select file → Upload File & Install
  • (J! 2.5) Install from Admin → Extensions → Extensions Manager → Choose File → Select file → Upload File & Install

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Step 1 - Template Default

  • (J! 1.5) Make the template default at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_clarion_j15 → Default
  • (J! 2.5) Make the template default at Admin → Extensions → Template Manager → rt_clarion → Make Default

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RocketLauncher Instructions

We always recommend installing a RocketLauncher first to trial and understand the template more efficiently. It must be installed as new, and not over an existing Joomla install.

Step 1 - Upload

  • Download the RocketLauncher
  • Unzip
  • Upload the created folder to your server

Note: You can upload all the files via FTP, or use cPanel or SSH to upload the zip and unzip directly onto the server. Enquire with your hosting provider.

Step 2 - Installation

  • Go to www.yoursite.com/*folder name*
  • Follow the Installation instructions
  • Ensure you click Install Sample Data during installation
  • (J! 1.5) Delete the /installation directory on your server
  • (J! 2.5) Remove the installation folder in the Installation interface

Logo Editing

The following is a step by step guide to customising your Clarion logo image by replacing the logo text with your own organization or company's name and logo.

Gantry sets the dimensions of the logo, so CSS modification is unnecessary.

Step 1 - Open the File

  • Open the logo-source.png file in Adobe® Fireworks.
  • In the right column, find Layers. Select the Web layers directory and click the eye icon to the left of the logo slice (the green object). This will make the slice invisible so you can edit the file.

Step 2 - Text/Slogan/Icon Editing

  • Double click on the logo text. Now you can edit the text of logo to your choosing. Edit the icon as desired.
Logo Logo

Logo Logo


Step 3 - Slice Modification

  • Reactivate the Slice in the Web Layers column, this will place a green rectangle over the logo image. Change the size of the slice (or move it) to match the new size if applicable.


Step 4 - Export

  • Now you will want to export the logo. Right click on the image slice and select Exported Selected Slices... from the contextual menu. Export it to your computer.

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